Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby B

Aw Newborn babies.  Every time I hold one my ovaries start to dance and I begin to rock back and forth in rhythm with the music my uterus is making.  I have to remind myself as I'm taking deep breaths filled with the scent of newborn baby , I forget what it is I need to remind myself about and continue to breath and sway and then I hear a small cough in the corner,  the mother, I suppose, waiting patiently for me to put the baby down and begin photographing.  

Baby B was no exception. So small, so deliciously scented, so beautiful...
    ♪♫♪♫  La da dee  ♪♫♪  ♫  la da doo  ♪♫  mmmmm  
                      There's that music again

 ♪♫♪  ♪♫♪  ♫♪ ♫♪ ♪

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Celebrating 6 years

This is Sam

No wait....

This is Sam... really?

Umm  Lets take a look....

 2005 - so sweet
 2006 - Happy Boy

 2007 - Cute!
 2008 - Adorable!

 2009 - "Hockey Eye"
 2010 - Soaring!
2010 - Introduction to the Tooth Fairy.  Since June Sam has lost 4 teeth!

Yes, I'm sad.  My baby is no longer a baby and that makes me sad, but I can't help feeling excited for him right now and for his future.  
Oh, the things he's learning!  
Oh, the Places he's going!   (name that book, name that Author)

 I love this kid. My first born, my cuddler, my funny boy, my compassionate boy.  He loves to play Bakugans, Bionicles, Batman and Robin.  He loves his sister AND drives her crazy.   He is friendly to everyone he meets.  He's smiley.  He's...

Look at me, I'm gushing


one more...   He is learning to play piano... and he is so good


His first Piano Recital is Sunday

I will cry

Today is your day.  
You're off to Great Places! 
You're off and away! "   Dr. Seuss

I am crying