Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Year in Review - Business Presentation

January is an interesting month especially for businesses.  Most businesses use this month to regroup, re-evaluate and plan for the up coming year.  That's usually where I come in :)  On-line consumer shopping is increasingly becoming the trend and most businesses know how important their website is in showing off their business whether they are selling their product from the website or selling their service.  When a prospective client can see who you are through warm and inviting images in a nicely laid out website the more likely the client will choose you over your competitors.  That is just what EMBRACE ORTHODONTICS  did.   Not only do they have the best name, but their office is beautiful.  Light and airy, relaxed and comfortable and the staff are cheerful and pleasant,  a winning combination!

Friday, January 16, 2015

A YEAR IN REVIEW - Lovely Baby Zoe

This precious little girl was a darling to photograph.  I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon  :)

♥♥♥ Sigh.... 


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2014 in Review The New Member

I'm doing some archiving of some great sessions from 2014 and came to this one.... Love this family!  Loved these sessions.  Makes me smile :)

With kids as cute and funny as these two, why stop there ;)
Looking at ants!


Hello little Man!

I love that he looks like he is talking to them :)
You go relax Mom, we got this...



Thanks for viewing!