Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Everything looks normal

Everything looks normal.  The kids were excited and nervous for their first day of school yesterday.  Anna is in grade 3 and Sam is in grade 5.  This picture looks like all the previous first day of school pictures I post and yet this year something is very different and you can't see it by looking at this picture.  Sam has developed an extreme case of Obsessive Compulsive disorder and it has taken control of him.   Sam fears germs.  He obsesses about the cleanliness of everything and he tries to rid the terrible feeling he has inside of him by excessively washing his hands, asking for reassurance about the cleanliness of things - which no amount of assurance reassures him -  taking showers, washing his clothes. OCD is relentless with him and it is heartbreaking for us to see him struggle.  He knows what it is but he can't help feel the anxiety inside him.  We are seeking help and have started the steps for the proper therapy.  It will be a long difficult journey.  Please pray for Sam that he finds the strength and courage to face his fears.  Pray for humour as we do have a good laugh sometimes  at OCDs expense.  Pray that we as a family can encourage and have patience with him.  Please pray for healing so Sam can enjoy his life again.