Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Sister

This is my Sister...
I know - WOW -   she is gorgeous,  that runs in our family

She's kinda of funny...

She is UBER talented
that runs in our family as well

It is her Birthday today...
She is ______  something today!
OLDER then me of course
but younger then Queen Elizabeth II whose birthday BTW is April 21...
little bit of trivia... 

Here is a wonderful verse I have found about Sisters

Sisters are different flowers from the same Garden 
- Author Unknown

hmmm  if  my Sister were a flower what flower would she be??  
Did you know that there are flowers out there that are stinky.... 
just saying

She will get me back for that I'm sure...


Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh the Sweetness -

Thank Heaven for Little Girls!  

Here is little miss Kate!

Adorable,   I know! 
Ok I had to put flowers in her baby soft hair,  I couldn't resist! 
So Sweet!
And then she got all Spicey on me

Ok one more....

and we cannot leave out big Sister Julia....

 aw...  they grow so fast...
Here is Julia not so long ago...

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.  ~Author Unknown