Thursday, July 15, 2010

10 years of married life....

Let me start by saying that while I'm typing this my three year old daughter Anna is sitting on my lap and has just tooted sending a cloud of stinkiness floating around us, she is gigglin' now.   My 5 year old son Sam is beside me on the other computer where Transformer music is rockin' out of the little speakers,   sigh... it really is hard to feel romantic in these conditions! 
It is our 10 year Anniversary today and before you say, wow that's great, 10 years is a long time! let me tell you it doesn't feel like10 years.   Sure the first 5 years were fantastic!  It was just Brad and I and our two dogs.  We worked regular hours, lived in a nice clean little condo. We had nice romantic evenings together on a regular basis, with lovely music playing on the stereo.  Heavy sigh....  the next five years gave us a large house with a large yard to play in and maintain, limited romantic evenings, irregular work hours, toy chaos, constant laundry... there isn't enough hours in the day and that makes time zoom by like the motorcycle I dream of riding again someday.   Having said all this,  I really can not imagine life any other way nor do I want to.  Brad and I have two amazing kids that we love in a larger then life way and yes they keep us busy, but we are enjoying them and enjoying each other in a whole new adventurous way. 
Brad,  I chose to be your wife 10 years ago today and promised to love you all the days of my life, in sickness and in health, and while that is the fairy tale romantic version  - lets be real some days are more difficult then others and some days are easier - I say to you now that my life would not be as full, as happy, or as enjoyable without you in it and I choose to love you, honor you and sometimes obey you for the next 10 + happy adventurous years of our life together  ♥

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lovely little Jaely

Sigh... there is something very special about this 3 day old little lady, can't quite put my finger on it...maybe it was that in all the time she was in the studio she never cried once... maybe it was that when she lay under the willow tree the soft wind through the leaves seemed to whisper lullaby's to her... but I think the most magical moment was when she looked up at her mom she seemed to already know her,  her thoughts, her emotion.  In all the whirlwind of the birth and events surrounding it, this little lady is the calm, soft gentle whisper that says
 - "It's ok, I am here now" - ♥